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AI Agent Essentials

AI agent is a program. Like any other program, if you wish to use it, you must first run it (e.g., if you want to use MS Word, you must run MS Word). To use the AI agent, you must run the program/agent first. When an AI agent starts, it loads the diagram design and sets itself to perform whatever the diagram defines. If you modify the AI agent and save it, the changes won't be applied until the next start. That's why you need to restart the agent if you want your modifications applied.

Understanding the "Restart" Function

Why Restarting the AI Agent is Necessary:

  • Initialization: Just like any software application, the AI agent requires initialization. Running the agent loads its design and prepares it to execute tasks as per the workflow diagram.

  • Applying Changes: Any modifications made to the AI agent's diagram are not automatically reflected in real-time. These changes only take effect after a restart. This is akin to saving a document in MS Word; the saved changes are only present in the reopened document.

  • Ensuring Consistency: Restarting ensures that the agent operates with the most updated logic and structure. This is crucial for maintaining consistency and reliability in its performance.

When to Restart:

  1. After Modifications: Always restart the agent after making and saving changes to the diagram. This ensures the latest version is active.

  2. Routine Maintenance: Periodically restarting the agent can be part of regular maintenance, especially when there are updates or bug fixes applied to the platform.

  3. Post-Error Recovery: If the AI agent encounters an error or behaves unexpectedly, a restart can help reset its state and potentially resolve any transient issues.

How to Restart the AI Agent:

  1. Save Changes: Ensure all modifications to the agent's diagram are saved.

  2. Initiate Restart: Use the platform's interface to stop and then start the agent, which can often be done with a simple button click or command.

  3. Verify Operation: After restarting, briefly test the agent to confirm that it operates as intended with the new changes.

Best Practices:

  • Frequent Saves: Regularly save changes during the design process to avoid data loss.

  • Test Before Restart: If possible, test changes in a controlled environment before applying them to the main agent.

  • Monitor Performance: Keep an eye on the agent’s performance post-restart to ensure it behaves as expected.